Friday, September 5, 2008


The first Sitkum post. Miles and miles from any town in the hills of southern Oregon ,Sitkum's days of glory are over and about all that is left is just quite beauty. A few big cow farms and a few hardy soles that like t out here. I'm one of those. I love it out here. I even like the challenge of trying to survive the power outages we seem to have . In the morning from my deck I look at the cliff that is to my north. Wild birds of all sort nest up there and it can be exciting when the falcons feel thir best in danger.
So what are we going to try and tell you about on this Sitkum blog? How and why I survive out here. What I would like to see happen here in Sitkum and what there is to do here. First list. As I remember things I'll list more.
1, Pottery, All forms. I have 50 years playing in clay behind me and would some day like to be able to share that knowledge. I have equipment like wheels and kiln and many nice toys to play with.
2. wood working shop, sm greenhouse
4.goats. For milk and meat.
5, cheese, see above
6 soap. another blog as we make ours from our goats milk. See
ok well thats enough for now, more tomorrow.

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