Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Organic Volenteers

Well as my first time having the company of an intern comes to a close I want to be sure and record all I have learned from this time. A lot has been learned from both sides and all in all it has been a productive time that I will always cherish. Thank You Amanda and please come back soon.
In order to make this system work, and for those of you not familiar with the program,it is a group of people that work in exchange for learning and room and board. some basic rules of the house and a basic agreement as to time and hours to be worked and if there are things the intern does not want to do needs to be spelled out and written down. I am going to try and design a form for working and learning hours and am thinking about a basic notebook as a welcoming gift to each new intern. Also a list of needed things to bring with you to your time at Club Sena should be given to the intern before they arrive. A good pair of gloves and an outdoor hat and coat are essentials up here in the Oregon woods. As well as good shoes or boots.
OK So to start with what are my house rules,
This is a no smoking homestead
This is an adult only homestead.
No personal pets.We have more than enough to share. LOL
My bathroom is of limits. if an emergency please just ask.
The guest bath is the bath for guests, please do your part to keep it presentable to all,even the Queen, you never know at Club Sena.
Wear shoes in the house, we have puppies, and never put something on the floor you are not finished with. You will be when Spike gets it.This includes shoes inside and out.
Leave your room cleaner than you found it. That shouldn't be hard to do and we can use all the help we can get. Same when outside .
All closed gates are to be closed when you have gone through them and if the gate was open when you got there be sure you leave it open. Doors too
Respect everyones space. We all need time alone.
If you have nothing to do and need direction please just ask. There is always a lot to be done her at Club Sena and most of it is fun.
We try to conserve and use reusables as much as possible so you will see cloth napkins and hand washed dishes. There will be more to follow.
Have a great day!

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